There have to be enough of us who are sick to death with the NRA’s hold on our entire political system. My question is this: What can we do, NOW, to protest in such a way that everyone takes notice? Think outside the box.We have to do something. Collectively. NOW.
FIRST, A LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT: The tweet below, which appeared in in 2017, ignited an international firestorm and gave much needed momentum to a movement started in 2006 by Tarana Burke, the one who coined #metoo.
Read it carefully. The response says, “If [we all responded with] ‘Me too’ as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem. Boy was she right. We responded, and it made a huge dent in the problem. We’re not done, yet, but the list of world-changing laws and events that resulted from people like you and me answering the call is here.
NOW LET’S DO THIS FOR GUN CONTROL. There have to be enough of us who are sick to death with the NRA’s hold on our entire political system. My question is this: What can we do, NOW, to protest in such a way that everyone takes notice? Think outside the box.
This is not happening ‘out there’ at schools in Texas, Connecticut, and Florida, at concert venues in Nevada, at grocery stores New York and Colorado. This is happening to us. Here. In our country. To our people. Our grandmothers. Our children.
Let’s start posting ideas right now. I’ll start.
Pro-lifers are known for harrassing pregnant women (already stressed enough about the need for an abortion), forcing them to see graphic photos of unborn or discarded fetuses. Why don’t we organize massive amounts of people to stand in silence outside as many gun stores as possible, holding up graphic photos of the murder scenes at schools, grocery stores, etc.?
I know that idea is not good enough. It terrifies me even as I imagine it. I'm thinking--They'll be in such close proximity to so many guns! Which is my point, though.
What have you got? Go.
(Please reply to this post, and/or put the idea on your own social media platform, or talk about it at your next book club or yoga class or whatever.